Group Offerings

We offer structured group learning sessions where clients will learn skills in communication, socialization, and group-specific skills.

These groups allow clients to learn the skills and then practice in our unstructured socialization hour. By offering structured skill-building and unstructured socialization,  clients can learn to form friendships in a safe setting. 

  • Our antibully group teaches children self-confidence, self-advocacy, and empowerment exercises. 

  • Lego DBT offers clients a chance to use creative expression to learn essential skills for mental health, such as emotional regulation and distress tolerance. 

  • Our preschool group teaches our little ones basic skills such as kindness and sharing and the basic curriculum on emotions. This group is 30 min of learning with 1 hour of semi-structured play. Parents are required to participate. 

  • Our board game group allows children to practice sharing, taking, and distress tolerance skills. Different games will be played in each session. 

  • We offer several life skills groups tailored to age ranges. Adult Clients will learn financial literacy and career-focused sessions to learn resume building and mock interviews. For teens, our groups will focus on building skills and career exploration. 

  • We also offer career-specific counseling services: resume writing, career counseling, and vocation exploration. 

We offer unstructured play time between groups.

We offer special biweekly sessions for adults: Lego DBT and Social skills.

We also offer monthly open-house board game nights where everyone is welcome to participate.