Summer Program

Summer Program by the Week

This summer at our new location! We will offer a full day summer skills program.

Our Program begins June 9th until the 3rd week of August

Participants can participate in the morning, afternoon, or full day program. Participants can choose to participate weekly or for the entire summer.


Program Agenda

The Center opens at 8:30AM

Unstructured Social Time till 10:15AM

10:30AM-12:00PM LEGO Skills Group

12:00PM- 1:30: Break and Social Time

2:00-3:30: Social/Basic Adulting Skills Group 

3:30-Close: Youth Center programming

Please note that the youth center will be open to non-participants and program attendees may choose to stay for unstructured activities till the center closes each weekday. Our center is open regular hours on the weekends.